Have you ever reflected on a ‘bad hire’ to analyse where you went wrong and how you recruited the wrong person?
During the interview process, there are often signs that you might ignore or disregard – especially when you are faced with a strong interview performance or a particularly charismatic candidate.
Here’s what to look for:
Excessive Self-Promotion – they dominate the conversation, consistently steer discussions back to themselves, and focus on their achievements without acknowledging team efforts or collaboration.
High Turnover in Previous Roles – they have a history of short tenures or frequent job changes, often leaving roles abruptly or vague explanations for leaving.
Overemphasis on Money – focusing primarily on salary, benefits, or perks rather than the job responsibilities, company culture, or growth opportunities.
Inconsistent Information – discrepancies between what was stated on the resume, during the interview or what is on their LinkedIn profile.
Hard To Find Referees – they find it difficult to track down previous employers or direct line managers to verify their job performance and instead offering colleagues or clients to speak to.
Inability to Answer Questions – evading questions or providing vague responses without specific details. Turning the question back to you the interviewer, and essentially not demonstrating the required knowledge or skills for the position.
Recruiting the best person is a big investment of time, energy and resources. Watch out for some of these tell tale signs and stay focused on the job requirements, as well as you company culture fit, to get it right the first time.